Invited Speakers
Julia Brandes | Janos Pintz |
Jörg Brüdern | Olivier Ramare |
Katalin Gyarmati | Joël Rivat |
Jerzy Kaczorowski | Damaris Schindler |
Gohar Kyureghyan | Robert Tichy |
A conference is more than a list of talks. At least as important as the presentations are the informal conversations arising around the talks. To foster this informal exchange we shamelessly plagiarized a certain town in the Black Forest and reserved the early afternoon for discussions. There are seminary rooms reserved for this purpose, for some slots these rooms will be assigned to specific topics such as circle method, Selberg class or additive combinatorics.
However, this comes at a cost. There is less time for contributed talk, meaning that not everyone might have the opportunity to give a talk. As a small consolation everyone who cannot present a talk will have the opportunity to present a poster at the most prominent place (i.e. right where coffee is served), and there will be an organized poster tour.