M.Sc. Björn Kriepke
Arbeitsgruppe 'Diskrete Mathematik'
- Lehre
- Publikationen
- Graner, A.-M.; Kriepke, B.; Krompholz, L.; Kyureghyan, G. M.
On the bijectivity of the map chi.
2024. (Cryptology ePrint Archive) - Kriepke, B.; Kyureghyan, G. M.; Schymura, M.
On the size of integer programs with bounded non-vanishing subdeterminants.
2023. (Preprint on arXiv) - Kölsch, L.; Kriepke, B.; Kyureghyan, G. M.
Image sets of perfectly nonlinear maps.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography (2022) 91:1–27. (Open Access)