Winner of the Baseline Detection Competition (September 2019)

CITlabs layout analysis system achieved the first rank at the the ICDAR 2019 Competition on Baseline Detection (cBAD).

Marvelous news again: H-2020 project NewsEye confirmed (December 2017)

Today we received the official confirmation, that the HORIZON-2020 proposal NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers with CITlab as one of the essential technology partners has been accepted and is now going to become our next big project for a 3-year period from 2018 to 2021.

Winner of the HisDoc-Layout-Competitions (November 2017)

CITlabs layout analysis system got two first ranks at the layout competitions on "challenging medieval manuscripts" at the ICDAR17

First rank at IEHHR (November 2017)

CITlabs recognition and information retrieval engine won the ICDAR17 competition on "Information Extraction in Historical Records"

PhD defense (May 2017)

A public Kolloquium finalized the dissertation of Tobias Strauß. Many thanks to Joan Andreu Sánchez Peiró  from the Universitat Politècnica de València who was the second reviewer. 

READ goes public

(November 2016)

Our EU-Horizon2020 project READ is going more & more public ... CITlab presentation at a one-day user workshop at the Linnean Society in London, one of READ's partners.

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First rank at ImageCLEF 2016 competition

(September 2016)

First rank at ImageCLEF 2016 Handwritten Scanned Document Retrieval Task : Multi word query keyword search competition

READ project kick-off

(January 2016)

The EU-Horizon2020 project READ has now been started with its official Kick-off Meeting in Marburg (Germany) – a common event with the co:op project, the co:op–READ Convention.

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Marvelous news: HORIZON-2020 project READ confirmed

According to today's confirmation, we are now looking forward to finally setting up the HORIZON-2020 project READ (Recognition & Enrichment of Archival Documents) ... with CITlab-PLANET's essential ARGUS software for text recognition in historical documents!

Pole position again: Two first ranks at ICDAR 2015 competitions

At ICDAR 2015 – this year's leading document analysis & recognition event – the CITlab-PLANET project team participated in two competitions ... and again ... very successful!

  • First Rank at HTRtS-2015: Handwritten Text Recognition on the tranScriptorium Dataset (Restricted Track)
  • First Rank at KWS-2015: Keyword Spotting for Handwritten Documents (Training-based Track)


Five first ranks at the ANWRESH-2014 Contest

The CITlab–PLANET project team received 1. ranks in all of the five ANWRESH 2014 (with ICFHR 2014) evaluations on Word Recognition from Segmented Historical Documents.

Official Evaluation Results

Rank 1 at the HTRtS-2014 Contest

We achieved the First Rank in the restricted scheme of the 2014 HTRtS contest (with ICFHR 2014), a document recognition evaluation for Handwriting Text Recognition in a transScriptorium Dataset.

 Official Evaluation Results (see Results section)

Two new projects confirmed

In Spring 2014, CITlab received two new project fundings for our ongoing work in CI-based recognition technology.

Rank 3 at OpenHaRT 2013 Contest

We achieved Rank 3 in the constrained DIR task of the 2013 NIST Open Handwriting Recognition and Translation Evaluation (with ICDAR 2013), a document recognition evaluation for handwritten transcriptions of arabic news.

Official Evaluation Results