Prof. Kurt Frischmuth
Mathematische Modellierung


- Modellierung, Analysis und numerische Lösung von nichtlinearen Problemen der Kontinuumsphysik.
- Numerische Verfahren in der dynamischen Simulation mechanischer Mehrkörpersysteme, Simulation von mechanischen Mehrkörpersystemen mit Kontaktbedingungen (einschließlich Modellbildung).
- Wärmewellen (Second sound) - Modellierung, Thermodynamik und numerische Lösung.
Frischmuth, K.; Budyansky, A. V.; Tsybulin, V. G. (2021): Modeling of invasion on a heterogeneous habitat: taxis and multistability. In Applied Mathematics and Computation 410.
DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126456
Rinas, M.; Fricke, A.; Tränckner, J.; Frischmuth, K.; Koegst, T. (2020): Sediment transport in sewage pressure pipes part II: 1 D numerical simulation. In Water (Switzerland) 12 (1).
DOI: 10.3390/w12010282
Budyansky, A. V.; Frischmuth, K.; Tsybulin, V. G. (2019): Cosymmetry approach and mathematical modeling of species coexistence in a heterogeneous habitat. In Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 24 (2), pp. 547–561.
DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2018196
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2018): On optimality of column geometry. In Archive of Applied Mechanics 88 (1-2), pp. 317–327.
DOI: 10.1007/s00419-017-1315-0
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2018): On problems with solution-dependent load. In Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Poland) 56 (2), pp. 435–446.
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.2.435
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2016): On dynamic effects of wheel-rail interaction in the case of Polygonalisation. In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 79, pp. 166–173.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.03.001
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2016): On important wave problems in high-speed train-track dynamics. In Civil-Comp Proceedings 110.
EID: 2-s2.0-84964355071
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K.; Czyczula, W. (2014): Dynamic effects in a high-speed train-track system. In Civil-Comp Proceedings 104.
EID: 2-s2.0-84963744928
Sobol, I.; Frischmuth, K.; Kacprzak, D.; Kosiński, W. (2014): Optimizing inventory of a firm under fuzzy data. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8468 LNAI (PART 2), pp. 676–687.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07176-3_59
Noga, S.; Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2012): Vibration analysis of toothed gear with cyclic symmetry modelling. In Vibrations in Physical Systems 25, pp. 299–304.
DOI: 10.4203/ccp.98.111
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2012): Dynamic effects in Bernoulli-Euler beams subject to a moving load with variable speed. In Civil-Comp Proceedings 98.
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2012): On some new aspects of contact dynamics with application in railway engineering O pewnych nowych aspektach dynamiki kontaktu z zastosowaniem w in?ynierii kolejowej. In Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 50 (1), pp. 119–129.
Kosiński, W.; Frischmuth, K. (2011): Solutions to fuzzy differential equations: Weakness and possible improvements. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp. 220–225.
Frischmuth, K.; Kovaleva, E. S.; Tsybulin, V. G. (2011): Family of equilibria in a population kinetics model and its collapse. In Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (1), pp. 146–155.
Frischmuth, K.; Langemann, D. (2011): Numerical calculation of wear in mechanical systems. In Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 81 (12), pp. 2688–2701.
Schulz, F.; Frischmuth, K. (2010): Embedded direct search of optimal designs for finite noise experiments. In Archives of Transport 22 (1), pp. 119–137.
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2010): On some corrugation related dynamical problems of wheel/rail interaction. In Archives of Transport 22 (1), pp. 27–41.
Kosiński, W.; Frischmuth, K.; Wilczyńska-Sztyma, D. (2010): A new fuzzy approach to ordinary differential equations. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 6113 LNAI (PART 1), pp. 120–127.
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K. (2009): Vibration in sets of beams and plates induced by traveling loads. In Archive of Applied Mechanics 79 (6-7), pp. 509–516.
Kovaleva, E. S.; Tsybulin, V. G.; Frischmuth, K. (2009): Dynamics of a population kinetics model with cosymmetry. In Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 1 (1), pp. 150–155.
Topczewska, M.; Frischmuth, K. (2008): Rank regression by projection method vs graph-theoretical algorithms. In Proceedings - 7th Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, CISIM 2008, pp. 44–49.
Bogacz, R.; Frischmuth, K.; Lisowski, K. (2008): Interface conditions and loss of stability for stepped columns. In Applied Mechanics and Materials 9, pp. 41–50.
Cimmelli, V. A.; Frischmuth, K. (2007): Gradient generalization to the extended thermodynamic approach and diffusive-hyperbolic heat conduction. In Physica B: Condensed Matter 400 (1-2), pp. 257–265.
Kovaleva, E. S.; Tsybulin, V. G.; Frischmuth, K. (2007): Dynamics of nonlinear parabolic equations with cosymmetry. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 4770 LNCS, pp. 265–274.
Cimmelli, V. A.; Frischmuth, K. (2005): Nonlinear effects in thermal wave propagation near zero absolute temperature. In Physica B: Condensed Matter 355 (1-4), pp. 147–157.
Frischmuth, K.; Tsybulin, V. G. (2005): Families of equilibria and dynamics in a population kinetics model with cosymmetry. In Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics 338 (1), pp. 51–59.
Tylikowski, A.; Frischmuth, K. (2003): Stability and stabilization of circular plate parametric vibrations. In International Journal of Solids and Structures 40 (19), pp. 5187–5196.
Frischmuth, K.; Kosiński, W. (2002): Thermomechanical coupled waves in a viscoplastic medium. In Archives of Mechanics 54 (5-6), pp. 439–457.
Kosiński, W.; Frischmuth, K. (2001): Thermomechanical coupled waves in a nonlinear medium. In Wave Motion 34 (1), pp. 131–141.
Frischmuth, K.; Hänler, M. (1999): Numerical analysis of the closed osmometer problem. In ZAMM, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 79 (2), pp. 107–116.
Arnold, M.; Frischmuth, K. (1998): Solving problems with unilateral constraints by DAE methods. In Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 47 (1), pp. 47–67.
Cimelli, V. A.; Frischmuth, K. (1996): Determination of material functions through second sound measurements in a hyperbolic heat conduction theory. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling 24 (12), pp. 19–28.
Frischmuth, K.; Hänler, M. (1996): On the inverse problem for the Ekman equation. In ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 76 (9), pp. 541–544.
Frischmuth, K.; Jankowski, A. (1996): Estimation of the period of free oscillations (seiches) in the Kirrbucht. In Oceanologia 38 (4), pp. 505–528.
Frischmuth, K. (1996): On the Dirichlet problem for the Ekman equation. In Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendung 15 (2), pp. 329–343.
Frischmuth, K.; Cimmelli, V. A. (1995): Numerical reconstruction of heat pulse experiments. In International Journal of Engineering Science 33 (2), pp. 209–215.
Frischmuth, K.; Visocky, P.; Gründler, P. (1996): On modelling heat transfer in chemical microsensors. In International Journal of Engineering Science 34 (5), pp. 523–530.
Frischmuth, K.; Kosiński, W.; Lekszycki, T. (1993): Free vibrations of finite-memory material beams. In International Journal of Engineering Science 31 (3), pp. 385–395.

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