Mathematical Statistics with the Focus on Stochastic Processes


Institute of Mathematics
University of Rostock
18051 Rostock, Germany
Phone.: +49 (0) 381 498 6551
Fax: +49 (0) 381 498 6553

Location of the institute
Ulmenstraße 69, Building No. 3
18057 Rostock, Germany

Mathematical Statistics

Prof. Dr. Alexander Meister
Ulmenstrasse 69, Building No. 3
Office No. 338
Phone: +49 (0) 381 498 6620

Academic Staff

Chairman Prof. Dr. Alexander Meister
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Friedrich Liese (1944-2018)
Scientific Assistants Dr. Klaus Th. Hess
Dr. Dennis Müller
M. Sc. Jonathan Kunick
M. Sc. Mario Pahl (DFG Research Group 5381)
PhD students <link>M. Sc. Stefan Scheutzow
Former Members <link> Dr. Christian Warnken
Dr. Johanna Kappus
Dr. Sebastian Kühnert
Dr. habil. Jürgen Kampf (DFG project)

Research Fields

Mathematical statistics deal with the development of procedures to analyse random empirical data and with the investigation of the quality of those methods. In particular we focus on 

  • Nonparametric statistics, density estimation, regression estimation, classification
  • Asymptotic statistics, minimax optimality, adaptivity, asymptotic equivalence of statistical experiments (Le Cam theory)
  • Statistical inverse problems, measurement error problems, deconvolution
  • Functional data analysis
  • Time series analysis