Staff at the Institute of Mathematics
Every telephone number starts with +49 (381) 498. In the following table you can find the number of the telephone set which completes this telephone number.
E-mail-addresses are to be found at the homepages or at the page 'Staff Search' from the university.
Staff member | Group | Number of telephone set |
Andersons, Tomass M. Sc. | Numerical Mathematics | 6594 |
Bachmann, Annika | Didactics of Mathematics | 6647 |
Baustian, Falko Dr. rer. nat. | Applied Analysis | 6581 |
Beese, Martina M. Sc. | Numerical Mathematics | 6593 |
Böning, Erik M. Sc. | Probability Theory | 6666 |
Dannenberg, Valentin M. Sc. | Geometry | 6605 |
Dittmer, Susann | BiTS | 6562 |
Dittus, Anna M. Sc. | Scientific Computing | 6572 |
Dojahn, Felix | Mathematical Optimization | 6636 |
Dreher, Michael Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Calculus-Differential Equations | 6612 |
Dubbe, Thomas M. Sc. | Algebra | 6604 |
Egidi, Michela Dr. rer. nat. | Analysis in the Natural Sciences | 6653 |
Engel, Konrad Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Mathematical Optimization | 6630 |
Frischmuth, Kurt apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Mathematical Modelling | 6643 |
Gizlici, Bahadir M. Sc. | Algebra | 6604 |
Graner, Anna-Maurin M. Sc. | Discrete Mathematics | 6603 |
Grudzinski, Anna | Didactics of Mathematics | ---- |
Hellwig, Jan M. Sc. | Numerical Mathematics | 6594 |
Heß, Klaus-Thomas Dr. rer. nat. | Mathematical Statistics with the Focus on Stochastic Processes | 6664 |
Hofstetter, Matthias | Didactics of Mathematics | 6592 |
Jafari Taghvastani, Leyli Ph. D. | Algebra | 6604 |
Keuer, Gabriella Dipl.-Math. | BiTS | 6571 |
Kösters, Holger Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Probability Theory | 6663 |
Krampff, Jenny | Secretariat | 6551 |
Kreher, Dörte Dr. sc. nat. | Applied Probability with the Focus on Economathematics | 6661 |
Kunick, Jonathan M. Sc. | Mathematical Statistics with the Focus on Stochastic Processes | 6665 |
Kyureghyan, Gohar Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Discrete Mathematics | 6600 |
Labahn, Roger apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Mathematical Optimization | 6631 |
Ladisch, Frieder PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Geometry | 6635 |
Levetzow, Sven | Didactics of Mathematics | 6595 |
Martin, Karin Dipl.-Ing. | BiTS | 6561 |
Meister, Alexander Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Mathematical Statistics with the Focus on Stochastic Processes | 6620 |
Michael, Johannes M. Sc. | Mathematical Optimization | 6634 |
Müller-Hill, Eva Prof. Dr. | Didactics of Mathematics | 6590 |
Müller, Dennis M. Sc. | Financial and Actuarial Mathematics | 6665 |
Neumann, Sabrina | Student's Office | 6554 |
Neymeyr, Klaus Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Numerical Mathematics | 6640 |
Pahl, Mario M. Sc. | Mathematical Statistics with the Focus on Stochastic Processes | 6665 |
Pingel, Annekatrin Dipl. Ing.-Ök. | Administration | 6555 |
Roßmann, Jürgen apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. |
Partial Differential Equations (i. R.) | 6645 |
Sawall, Mathias Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Numerical Mathematics | 6648 |
Schallmaier, Uwe | Didactics of Mathematics | 6591 |
Schlage-Puchta, Jan-Christoph Prof. Dr. | Algebra | 6570 |
Schneider, Isabelle Dr. rer. nat. | Analysis in the Natural Sciences | 6611 |
Schubert, Heike | BiTS | 6562 |
Schüler, Robert Dr. rer. nat. | Geometry | 6605 |
Schürmann, Achill Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Geometry | 6687 |
Schulz, Max M. Sc. | Discrete Mathematics | 6603 |
Schweder, Solvejg | Secretariat | 6552 |
Schwerdt, Christoph Dipl.-Math. | Applied Analysis | 6581 |
Sikora, Christine Dr. paed. | Didactics of Mathematics | 6610 |
Sperfeld, Konrad Dr. rer. nat. | Mathematical Optimization | 6632 |
Spiliotis, Konstantinos Dr. | Scientific Computing | 6572 |
Starke, Jens Prof. Dr. rer. nat. | Scientific Computing | 6641 |
Straßburg, Andreas Dr. rer. nat. | BiTS | 6567 |
Strauß, Raimond Dr. rer. nat. |
Applied Analysis (i. R.) | 6560 |
Strauß, Tobias Dr. rer. nat. | Algebra | 6633 |
Takac, Peter Prof. Dr. Ph. D. | Applied Analysis | 6580 |
Tasche, Manfred Prof. Dr. sc. nat. |
Numerical Mathematics (i. R.) | 6645 |
Thomas, Paul M. Sc. | Calculus-Differential Equations | 6582 |
Wagner, Peter Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Discrete Mathematics | 6601 |
Weidemann, Max M. Sc. | Mathematical Optimization | 6634 |
Zhou, Ming Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Numerical Mathematics | 6644 |
Zöllner, Jochen M. Sc. | Mathematical Optimization | 6632 |